Retail Stores
Amazing Store
- 0782937803
- Shop 6
Splash Promo
- 0722999222
- Shop 2
- 0782937803
- Shop 10
Cape Linen
- 0717895644
- Shop 19
- www.capelinen.com
Clothing Stores
PEP Store
- 0214616237
- Mezz02
- www.pepstores.com
Hip Hop Clothing
- 0825980766
- Shop 13A
Leather Bags and Jackets Store
- 0214619818
- Shop 13B
Rudi Jewellers
- 0837517696
- Shop 13c
RAGE Clothing
- 0682515290
- Shop 9
- www.ragesa.co.za
Ndoring Fashion
- 0710738079
- Shop 26A

African Basket
- 021 465 9294
- Shop 1
Bismila Butcher
- 0743551508
- Shop 22
Portuguese Fast Foods
- 0832457259
- Shop 14
- 0659098422
- Shop 12
- https://www.avbob.co.za/
Good Care Medi-Centre
- 0214181816
- Shop 17
Sanlam 4U
- 0828711365
- Shop 25A
- www.sanlam.co.za
Capitec Bank
- 0214626739
- Shop 20
- www.capitecbank.co.za
- 0214644481
- Shop 23-25
- www.nedbank.co.za
- 0214617227
- Shop 5
- www.mtn.co.za
Hello Piasa
- 0722350994
- Shop 18B
- www.hellopaisa.co.za
Jitpro Internet Café
- 0214651218
- Shop 18A
Talk and Fix
- 0838605064
- Shop 15
FAE - ZK Cellular
- 0838605064
- Shop 13 B2

Hair & Beauty
Vision Eyes
- 0639890480
- Shop 4
- www.visioneyes.co.za
Green World
- 0214180998
- Shop 13
African Creations Hair and Beauty Store
- 0214259868
- Shop 03