About Grand Central
Grand Central Shopping Centre, located in the old Cape Town Post Office building at the corner of Darling Street and Lower Plein Street. Centre with easy access to transport and surrounded by all the best amenities the city has to offer including its ground floor which has 13 000 sq.m of famous retailers including Spar, Pep Stores and Game.
This busy Centre is in the commuter hub of Cape Town close to the Cape Town Train Station and Cape Town Bus Depot.

Interesting Facts
Overlooking the western side of the Parade is the lofty General Post Office building.
It was completed in 1940 on the site of the old Opera House.
The exterior displays some interesting carvings, and the main hall has six outstanding panels around the walls executed by leading contemporary artists of the forties depicting trade in the early days.
Today a lively indoor bazaar attracts shoppers to the ground floor which was the former Grand Central postal hall. “Take a moment to step inside and feel a different pulse of Cape Town. Admire the superb murals created by artists Sydney Carter and Pilkinton”.

The Grand Story